Gallery of Books


It's Time to Start Your Adventure of Drawing Your Own Supercharacters

Let’s get started. Below are several books to start you on this journey, and many more to come.  These books can be purchased on this website by clicking the Order Form tab above or the book stores listed by them. Relax and have Fun!!

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Gallery of distinguished art books


How To Draw Magnificent Mammals

ISBN 978-1-887627-06-1
Price $14.95 pages 80
By following the step-by-step illustrations in this drawing guide, aspiring artists and illustrators can learn how to draw nearly 20 different types of animals from around the world. A realistic portrayal of each mammal can be completed in as little as four steps, with each step in the drawing process demonstrated in a simple line drawing and designed to build basic graphic skills. Each mammal—including the two-toed sloth, markhor, polar bear, African elephant, baboon, lion, pipistrelle bat, and dingo—is accompanied by a brief discussion of its behavior, habitat, and diet.

reco presents

Reco Comics Presents: Boxing Chronicles Alucard

ISBN 978-1-887627-09-2
Price $17.95 pages 96

Reco Comic Presents: This premier graphic novel introduces two titles, Boxing Chronicles and Alucard.  Chronicles has a story titled, “The Rising Contender” which centers around a young professional boxer fighting his way to the top with his first main event in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio. His opponent not known to him is the older brother of girlfriend.

Alucard is a story of Babátúndé Alucard an African who was bitten by Dracula while in a fight with him over 200 years ago transforming him into a vampire, a curse he is trying reverse with his search for rare mystic flowers found only in the deepest parts of Africa and his action pack encounters along the way.

How to Draw Non Artist Cover 3

Learn How to Draw For the Non-Artist

ISBN: 978-1-887627-12-2
Price $19.95 pages 130

“Learn How to Draw for the Non-Artist” is a book I created for those who want to learn how to draw as well for those who want to improve their drawing skills. What I mean by Non-Artist is that any and everyone can learn how to draw.
I have included a combination of pencil and ink drawings in this book for your education. For ink drawings, I started with a pencil and then draw over my pencils with markers. All you need is a pencil and paper to get started. As in all of my books, I like to keep things simple, and this one is no different.
You will learn to draw many different things in this book. After completing this book you will have accomplished how to draw such things as Still Life, the Human Head, Human Figure, Mammals, Reptiles, Sports Figures, Supercharacters, Fantasy drawings and basic Perspective drawing.

Phelps Publishing Classic Books

The following books below are considered classics, because they were the first books published by Phelps Publishing back in the 80s. To be specific, “How to Draw your Own Supercharacters” was the first book published by Phelps Publishing in 1981. Time goes by fast when you’re having fun.  At that time there were very few books on drawing superheroes. 

Go back and search your 1980s Marvel and DC comics and look in the small ad section and you will see a one inch ad title DRAW SUPERCHARACTERS with a Supercharacter on it.  The books below are revised second and third printings.  Get them while they last.  There will probably be no reprints once they are sold out.

book I

How to Draw Your Own Supercharacters

ISBN 1-887626-00-6
Price $5.95
pages 34

book II

How To Draw Your Own Supercharacters II

ISBN 1-887627-01-4
Price $5.95  pages 34


How To Draw Your Own Supermonsters

ISBN 1-887627-02-2
Price $5.95 pages 34